samedi 28 février 2015

Living with Indians 01

Chapter 1

Where to start?
I can remember a lot of things, how these two indians came into my life...
I was in college, making graphic novels/ illustration studies, there were works to do of course and for those I made a lot brainstorming, had a lot of ideas, characters coming out of my pencil, lots and lots of ideas... And this was just the beginning... I hope I'll have the time to do work on everything...
Of course there are characters and concepts I'll have to drop, but there are so many I wish I could finally give life to!

One of the reasons for this many concepts is the fear to see my original ideas -the ones I had before college- being stolen, which pushes me not to use the best stuff...
Somehow the one who became Little Dark Cloud got her way to two works... At the time she was alone...

Even after I created Red Puma, none of them appeared after that...

How did I create these two, what came to my mind, I don't remember...
As a kid already I liked indians, I had an indian costume, an orange one with an eagle on it...
Years later I received a book about indians at school, some price for I don't recall what exactly...
Also my father used to read to us when we were kids the adventures of Luky Luke those of Jerry Spring and we had also some old comics with cowboys and indians.
But why I created those tow? Something must have influenced me... Whatever... They already had the same personnality as in the story, the same look more or less, one influenced by palefaces, the other one more traditionnal. The colors were also well established in my head. And then I moved on, to other things, other projects...

But me being me, I kept all the ideas I thought had potential, I swore I would use one day... The were part of those ideas... After I graduated, I started other studies, graphic design, at first it was to learn 3D, but then it went just to pre-press... For the jury I proposed myself to create a publishing house with a catalog that would be filled with my own comic books... One of the porjects of this catalog would have been those two Indians...
Proposition refused...
After I graduated I thought I could start the work, finally...

samedi 21 février 2015

Living with Indians 00


Here we are, it's already the end of february 2015, by the end of december 2014 I finished the pencilling and progressed a bit on the inking, doing up to six pages a day... And there came the idea of making a diary of the creation of this comic book.
The funny thing is that the creation of thses characters almost fifteen years ago...
Thinking about it, about these fifteen years, I am thinking that I should have done more, much more...

But hey, life happens... Or so they say...

At least I started...

I only hope I could end what I started...

ALL I started!

And there are a lot of things...

Living with Indians

I thought of writing a kind of journal on the making of Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma...

I thought I would make a book of this... I wouldn't have to bother finding a publishing house, of any of this kind I would decide to make...
But I am not sure that I want to publish an autobiography/diary...
But who knows? Maybe one day I'll publish this anyway...?
In the mean time here it is...

So I'll be publishing every now and then I'll post some chapter about the process of making of the comic book, but maybe under an other title I'll write other things...
Not sure it is a good idea... We'll see where it leads...

And I know it's very narcissistic... But well, ain't we in a very narcissist world?

I am trying to make this a "once a week" entry... About we see how long it'll last...
Especially at that rhythm...
And specifically if I don't have much to say because I told the whole story up to now...

Some entries may come at first without visuals, but with time, the will be adited and contain some drawings from that era...

Oh by the way English is not my primary language, so all my apologies if there are any mistakes...

And of course for time to time you'll get to see some cool videos for the stuff I am listening at the moment...