Sometimes I think about I could make/ could have made if...
If I worked more, if I kept a certain rhythm...
I could theoricaly make two or three albums a year...
But with ifs, you don't go that far...
Sometimes I can do lots of pages in a day.
Sometimes I am unable to work or can only do a page or two...
It's always random...
It's uncertain, unreliable...
Some pages will come easy and sometimes some finitions that look quite easy and should be done quite quickly will take twice more time than expected.
But still, I like to plan.
So I keep trying to set up a certain schedulde of my work.
Not easy. Not reliable. But still need to.
Here's what I have in mind for this summer...
I am thinking 7 weeks of work, 5 days a week.
Each working day:
-two pages pencilled,
-one page completed or inked.
If I have one album pencilled:
-one day to scan,
-one day to do the frames.
If I complete the album:
-one day (or two?) to make the texts and their translation.
If there are no pages available to ink or color:
-one or two more pages pencilled
To help, I should really try to work during the week-ends the rest of the year...
Meaning I should do at least a page colored or inked per week... Maybe two...
But I ain't sure of that yet, but we'll see if I can get to it in June.
I wish I could work in the evening, but this year, not sure I'll try that...
Maybe starting from september... Who knows?
We'll see...
I'll try to keep you posted!