lundi 25 septembre 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 31 (F)

A little update about the album.
Well it's been a month since I worked on it...
At first for some happy reasons...
But then a sad one...

Anyway, starting from mid october, I'll get back to work.
Or at least will try to...
And as soon as possible, I'll try to start album #4.
The story is written, just need to complete the layout of the page...
Then pencil, ink and color...

I still hope #3 will be out for the end of the year...

And now about the music!
After I posted last video I thought of this band Unsun, whose second album is so great...
And the great tragedy that Aia can't sing anymore...
So sad...
So I decided I should remind you how great this band was...

lundi 11 septembre 2017

lundi 4 septembre 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 28 (F)

Originaly the people getting on board where people that were taking the same bus as I,
early in the moring to go to work...
But laziness happened and the lack of references...
So they changed...

So back to school now...
Good luck to us all teachers...
OK, to the students too..

Another song form my Mongol phase?