samedi 31 décembre 2016

Petit Nuage Noir & Puma Rouge / Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Ready to ink!

So, yesterday I completed all the pencilling for the third volume!!!
Scanned all the pages... As you can see below!

Say "hello" to page #10!
And yes, listening to Inna can help!

Yesterday evening and this moring I completed the frames for each page...
So next week, I'll start inking and sending the pages to my little helpers!

And with this good news, I wish you a happy new year!
No drawing for the occasion again this year, but let's hope for plenty in 2017!
See you next year!
Be safe!

mardi 27 décembre 2016


Hi guys, it's been a while...
Sorry for the lack of updates...

These recent months I started working on different things, not necessarily drawing stuff,
but also working to pay the bills, and in order to do that, I have long and boring journeys everyday and due to tiredness and boredom, these journeys are wasted time.
(I am working on a solution for that by the way, so, we'll see what comes out of it...)

Still I managed to complete Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma II...
And during these recent weeks, I completed 90% of the pencilling for Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma III, only five pages left to pencil... They should be completed by the end of the week...
At least I hope so...

So the album #3 is on its way, should be out in 2017!
I was looking for ways to fund my books during that time, because even if you don't see anything here, things happen (sometimes)...
Unfortunately, crowdfunding is not an option I can consider for now...
But it won't stop me!

I am currently working up myself on trying to come up with a list of content I can post every now and then...
By the way, what kind of content would you like to see?