samedi 23 décembre 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 35 (C)

So, it is with a great pleasure
and a great release that I announce
the completion of the pages for #3

Only the texts left...
But for that, we'll wait 2018!
Until then...
Take care and merry Christmas!

vendredi 15 décembre 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 34 (F)

Well, well, well...
This is a long overdue post...
Which was intended for October the 16th...
 But wasn't completed until...

Things haven't been moving forward that much...
At least for a while...

Volume 4 is started...
Something like 10 pages are already pencilled and inked...
With a change of technique...
We'll see where it will lead us...

But what about volume 3?
When will it be completed?
When will it be released?
Honestly it won't be released in 2017...
About completing it...

Well, a few days ago,
I still had something like 33 pages left...
And now 12...
So maybe all the pages  will be completed before or on monday...
The texts are partially written (in French), not yet translated...
But I think as I won't be able to release it for New Year's Eve,
that I'll completed by the end of January...
At least the texts part...
So with time for correcting the texts, march sounds about right
for the release of #3!!!!

In the mean time I hope I'll be able to continue
working on #4!
At some point I'll scan/clean/frame the pages that are done
so they could be partially colored...
Probably in March...

After that as soon as I get them back I'll prepare them
and probably strat some in April if possible...

And spoiler alert, volume 5 should get in the works soon after that...

So that's it for now...
I hope I'll show you more soon!
One more page when the pages are done?
See you soon then!
(At least I hope so!)

Musically these days, I am listening to new stuff...
Aaaand not shure which video I would incorporate here...
I went for one I just found on Youtube...

lundi 9 octobre 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 33 (F)

Aaaand back to the flats...
Back to school also...
Too bad...

Musically, since we went hardcore last week...
Here is Terror, a name I considered for a band I wanted to form...
But since it's take... I'll find another one!

lundi 2 octobre 2017

lundi 25 septembre 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 31 (F)

A little update about the album.
Well it's been a month since I worked on it...
At first for some happy reasons...
But then a sad one...

Anyway, starting from mid october, I'll get back to work.
Or at least will try to...
And as soon as possible, I'll try to start album #4.
The story is written, just need to complete the layout of the page...
Then pencil, ink and color...

I still hope #3 will be out for the end of the year...

And now about the music!
After I posted last video I thought of this band Unsun, whose second album is so great...
And the great tragedy that Aia can't sing anymore...
So sad...
So I decided I should remind you how great this band was...

lundi 11 septembre 2017

lundi 4 septembre 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 28 (F)

Originaly the people getting on board where people that were taking the same bus as I,
early in the moring to go to work...
But laziness happened and the lack of references...
So they changed...

So back to school now...
Good luck to us all teachers...
OK, to the students too..

Another song form my Mongol phase?

lundi 28 août 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 27 (F)

Sometimes, one of the most boring things in completing the pages,
it's to change the colors, but I am the only person responsible for that,
if only I gave references...

And this is the last page of August...
Back to school soon...
So sad...

Musically, here's something different, and an instrument I'd love to play...
Countryside boy forever!

lundi 14 août 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 25 (F)

This one too will be slightly different when I'll be done with it!
Just make sure you buy the album to check that out!

And you know sometimes you get in a phase...
I had Tengger Cavalry (check them out) which is folk metal with mongol influences...
And I discovered this...
Not my usual style, but I like it!

lundi 7 août 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 24 (F)

You'll notice too that the colors differ with the final version...
That is because I do'nt always give reference to my colorist...
So I change a few tones after...
But he does a great job!

Thank you James!

And an amazing cover of "Hello" by Adele...
Even better than the original...
And you can support the guy on Patreon!

lundi 31 juillet 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 23 (F)

So, it seems I like writing here sometimes stuff...
Maybe I should do it on facebook too?
I suck at social media...
Being a bit asocial comes with price it seems :p
But it is maybe more because here, there are only people who looked for this blog,
not just subscribed to a feed... (If you did that's good too!)
Any idea to help me advertising more?
I saw a video by Leah (I should post one of her music videos too!)
explaining that I should build more culture around my art...
Any suggestions?

Anyway, initially I wrote here to tell you guys the new dilemma...
And maybe get your insight...?
So I started writing the end of the story,
I mean the WHOLE story, all the next albums...
But budgetwise there were some questions...
And I thought "why not make it black and white and in a smaller format
with more pages, a bit like a manga"?
I would continue the actual way until number ten,
twist a bit the story the continue with a new arc kind of
and new format and black and white...

On the other hand I can continue without changing things...
What do you think?

And today, nope, not another Grai song, but one by an nice guitar player...
One that is along with Nita Strauss (wait, her too... Wait, no, I posted a song!)
So, what Was I saying? Well, yes, just watch! And listen!

dimanche 23 juillet 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 22 (F)

Well, I have to confess that last month I didn't work much on this third book.
I guess at some point I want things to move faster...
I want to do something else...
But I want also to complete this book and the rest of the story.
So, what I announced on April the 1st,
which wasn't a joke at the time anyway,
will more likely become a reality...
I think the next books will be inked by hand, with real ink...

By the way, would anybody be interested in buying original inked pages?
Oh and also, while you are at it, why not leave a comment...
About how you found this blog, about what you like/don't like...
What you would like to see...

So probably this week, I'll start working again on volume 3...
I hope to be done for the end of the year...
I'll keep you posted!
Or definetly will try...

And guess what?
Another Grai song today!
Such an underrated band!
Such a wonderful song!

lundi 3 juillet 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 19 (F)

You may wonder why the background is white...
You'll know when you'll buy the book!
Because it won't stay white...

And here is a little video,
it's a live (usually I don't like live stuff),
bt hey it's very nice!
And I am not talking only about the drummer...
And yes, it's kind of a ripp off the White Stripes...

mardi 20 juin 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 17 (F)

It's been a while...

But today I am trying to make shure you'll get an update every monday,
for the next 31 weeks!
That is if my computer doesn't crash due to the heat...
Heat that's killing me by the way...
Winter is coming, I hope so!

And there are only 37 pages to complete,
plus the texts in both French and English...

And musically because it's hot...
Well, no comment...

lundi 29 mai 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 16 (I)

New week, new page!
I am working on completing the pages...
It takes time...
It is boring...
So boring...
Before I used to be able to complete five a day...
Even sometimes seven...
Now if I get to five, I am lucky...
I am hoping to complete them before the end of june...
I'll keep you updated!

And maybe soon I'll be able to show you some other illustrations...

And here is somthing nice musically!
Discovered it thanks to The Naked And Famous...

lundi 22 mai 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 15 (I)

This page (and the following ones completing the story) was created a while ago, back when I wrote the first volume. But due to the number of page for each volume and after to some changes in the story, it only appears now...

As an update, well, all the pages are inked,  and I started finishing some pages during the week-end!

lundi 15 mai 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 14 (I)

Alright! Let's continue posting!
But I don't think you'll see more stuff on friday for a while...
I am a bit out of stock for now...
But in the mean time, enjoy these volume 3 previews!
(Maybe more coming later...)

And since saturday only three (3!!!) pages left to ink!

And musically, here is something a bit more bluesy!
Which is quite rare among the things I listen to...

vendredi 12 mai 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 13 (I)

It's been a while( again)...
And, just to make things clear, actually previous post wasn't a joke, even if it was posted on April the 1st... Althought I am not sure I'll change the technique now...
Anyway, here is the next preview, a new page, inked quite recently...
For this step there won't be much pages, only four, then, we'll move on to the next step, the flats in their rough shape...
As of today, there are only seven pages left to be inked... So I hope that next saturday, I'll be done with this step!!!
Let's work and see you on monday for a new update...

And musically today here is something a bit different than what I usually listen to...

samedi 1 avril 2017

Update on Little Dark Could & Red Puma volume 3...

Hello guys, how are you doing?
Here is a little update on the status of volume3...

You already know the pencilling is done, and I started inking.
But my bills-paying-work and the journeys to go there start to take a toll on me.
And I 'll admit I don't have the courage, the patience and sometimes the time to work on my project(s). So there are currently something like 32 pages to ink... and then to finalize...

I'll try to complete the ink these next two weeks if...
If my back doesn't ache when I work (it happened often recently), if I have the patience and the will...
And I think it will be the last album...
I'll ink on computer (got you scared right?), I think the next one will be inked by hand... And if it goes well, I'll continue that way, which may (or may not) help albums to be completed faster...

Along that I am looking for a flat closer from work, which also could help with the albums.
At least I hope...
But I got to say that unfortunately, this projetc is a bit heavy on me, because it costs me more money than else, and I don't work on anything else and I feel like it eats away a lot of my time... A lot of my life... And sometimes I feel like I don't have the drive I had on the first two volumes...
But we'll see how it happens...

So I hope to be able to deliver the new book before Christmas...

lundi 20 mars 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 12 (P)

Muscially here is the first song from a new band formed from the ashes of The Gathering (amazing band!),
they are called the Habitants, and you can pre-order their first album and help them make it here!

vendredi 17 mars 2017

Illustration Daemon Killers (a)

Some of you may remember the pages for Daemon Killers that appeared on this blog...
It was a story written by a  friend and we tried to have it published... Unsuccessfuly...
But as it is his baby and he is thinking about adapting it into a serie of novels,
he asked me if I could make an illustration (based on "The Last Supper" by Da Vinci),
So last summer I did the pencilling for this big illustration (as i will be more than a meter wide)
and I completed the inking recently, so here's what it looks like now:
He will be handeling the flats and then I'll add the background and the shades and lights,
as well as some filters probably...

lundi 13 mars 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 11 (P)

This one too was supposed to be in the first volume, right after when she tried to make a tomahawk...
But I thought it would be a bit too alike and too close...
But I liked the idea so I saved it...
And here it is!

And here is one of my favourite metal album at the moment!!!
KREATOR!!! Listen to Gods Of Violence!!!
It's an excellent album! Listen to it!!! Buy it!!!

vendredi 10 mars 2017


Well Gamayoun is a bird with the head of a woman...
I draw this during second session exams...
I saw a few days before some representation of this russian harpye and I liked it a lot...
So as I was bored while watching an exam, I started drawing these...

lundi 6 mars 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 10 (P)

This gag was planned along the first album...
I hope you'll like it and that it works...

And musically today one singer I discovered recently and I can't stop listening to her!!!

vendredi 3 mars 2017

Fairy for a Holiday card...

Here's another sketch I did in 2015 for a Holiday card...
With a ballpen and unfinished too...
I thought it was a bit too conventional or something...
But I really like her face...
...And the rest of the body that you can't see was not so good...
But she has a great face!

lundi 27 février 2017

vendredi 24 février 2017

Cupid 2

Here is a second drawing I did for Valentine's day...
I am not very satisfied with it as I did it in a rush...
And didn't take much time to refine it...
But anyway here it is...

Of course I don't draw Valentine's cards just for fun...
These cards were made for a girl but we never got a chance to meet...
So she never git the chance to see those.
Seems I don't have much luck with the ladies...
Especially when I draw cards...

vendredi 17 février 2017

Cupid 1

Hey there!
Tuesday it was Valentine's day!
I hope you had a good time if you're in couple!
I hope you had a great time if you're single like me!!!
So anyway, here is a little drawing I did because, sometimes I try to not be single anymore...
But as it was a bad idea to send a card, so well, there you have it!
(Lucky you, because she hasn't see it! ...At least I think...)
You can caption this image too! Have fun!

lundi 13 février 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 7 (P)

The awful thing on this page is that the water tank has no reason to be there...
Maybe it would have worked better in the next issue...?
Too late anyway!

Let's lighten the mood a bit with some Jain...

vendredi 10 février 2017

Mandoline player holiday card...

Here is a sketch made with a ballpen for a Holiday card I did last year,
I mean in 2015.
I never finished, you can see the feet are not right (I know), but like I said it's a sketch...

lundi 6 février 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 6 (P)

A few words about this third volume...
Well, it contains several ideas I had for the first book.
But as I decided not to make short stories but rather try to connect everything and as I had too much material anyway, itr was planned for the next one, unfortunately due to some story changes, I created a second volume from scratch, delaying the realisation of theses gags.

So here's a song I discovered this summer!
I played it again and again!!!

vendredi 3 février 2017

Birthday Card - 5

I wanted to write "Joyeux Anniversaire!" (Happy Birthday), like the pets would be singing it...

So here's what I got, but by the time I did this, I got an email saying she wasn't that interested...
That's why there is no definitive illustration...
And no, I am not planning on making one!

Well, this concludes the story and the serie...
See you next week for something else!

lundi 30 janvier 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 5 (P)

Once in a while I'll comment the pages...
So you'll know a bit more about the process.
I had the idea of this "walk in the city" pretty early on...
But some details changed again and again, for example the last strip of this page...

Let's go back to my heavier tastes, but with a lovely singer!
The best song from their album!!!

vendredi 27 janvier 2017

Birthday Card - 4

I thought it would be better to put the dog AND the cats together!
So I made a first attempt...

The problem was she had three cats, and clearly I didn't have the space to put them all here...
So I changed things a bit

It was getting better...
But I thought about some changes I could make...

vendredi 20 janvier 2017

Birthday Card - 3

So I continued with the dog, but changed a bit the composition...
It was nice...

Until I tried something else...

lundi 16 janvier 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 3 (P)

So last monday I wrote about Porcelain Black, because you need to know her songs, I'll drop one every once in a while...
Really it's sad, the album was leaked and she disappeared for two years now...
So here's one of my favourites:

vendredi 13 janvier 2017

Birthday Card - 2

So here we go again, and I'll continue explaining the story behind these cards.
So you already saw the first attempt for the card...
The thing is that the girl had a dog, and the dog was old, she would pee anywhere, but her mistress loved her so so much...
So I decided to replace the cat by the dog...

But I didn't like it that much...
So I tried something else...
(To be continued...)

lundi 9 janvier 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 2 (P)

Well, with this paiste of posts, I'll need to keep a regular rhythm of work if I want to meet my goal of a post about this every monday...
So far out of the 46 comic pages, 15 are inked...

By the way, I thought (of it works as planned) I'd add a fourth category, so there will be Pencilled pages (P), Inked pages (I), pages wher the "Flats" are done (F) and the Complete pages (C). So you'll see 12 of each, except the complete ones where there will be only 10...

Well, musicaly,here's something I like, but not so much, it grew on me, but the face she makes when she is with the knife!!!!! I LOVE it!
Oh and something funny, I saw first the "Dollhouse" video, and I thought her front teeth were fake... Usually I don't like when the front teeth are that spaced, but I guess it grew on me...
The look reminds me of Porcelain Black...
So sad to not hear anymore about Porcelain Black!!!

vendredi 6 janvier 2017

Birthday Card - 1

Here's the first "friday post" I announced previously...
So here we go!
To start the serie an unfisished card...

Here's the story (in case anyone would be interested...), at least the first part...
(If  you're not interested, say so, don't read, do as you please...)
It was during summer and I went on a date with a nice girl, she had her birthday coming up, so I thought I'd draw her a card... So I started sketching.

This was the first thing that came out
You have to know she had a few cats, cats she needed to keep an eye one because her neighbour didn't like the cats coming on her side of the balcony...
Somehow the cats always tried to manage to go as they pleased...

Here's the sketch almost done...
Then I thought about something else

Which you'll see next friday!
(If you come back...)

In the mean time take care!

lundi 2 janvier 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 1 (P)

Wow, so much posts in such few days!
Indeed, and I hope it will go on!
Well, not at this rate, but on a reasonable one...
It's part of my new year's resolutions...
You know, the one we are supposed to keep...
Well, so it's one of them...
So you should have two posts per week!

One on mondays about the new adventures of Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma, showing how things are shaping up! About this, I started inking today, the cover is done, next it will be the "splash page"... And then we'll start the 46 pages... So what you'll see exactly is the entire album but at different stages, some pencilled pages (P will be mentionned in the post title), some inked pages (I) and some colored pages (C).

The other one on fridays will be about other stuff I do or did or started and will never finish... Mainly illustrations... But with no connection with the formentioned comic book.

So here we go with the first update, page 1, pencilled version:

And as you may know, I am a huge music fan, so in order to share with you what I like, well known or not, I'll try to post some of my recent discoveries and/or favourites!
This time Tengger Cavalry!!!! Mongolian Folk Metal!