samedi 21 juillet 2018

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 46 (C)

Here is the preview of the last page of volume III !
Well, there are two visuals left...
I'll save them for a certain occasion...

So what will come next?
Come back  and find out!

Well, as I am quite into this stuff, here is a bit more...
Man I like the guitar riff!!!

lundi 16 juillet 2018

A shop on Threadless

And if you want to buy some goodies with your favourite indians go to

and with the following code, you'll get free shipping if you buy some until 07/19!


samedi 14 juillet 2018

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 45 (F)

Last but one off volume 3!
This one and the four previous ones were a bit complicated...
As I hate drawing backgrounds...
And they were needed.

And in the fashion of last song I posted, here is a FJ Outlaw song.

samedi 7 juillet 2018

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 44 (F)

Time off work!
But lots of stuff to do...
But I don't know how much I'll do...
On this or others...
I'll keep you posted!

And as it's been a while, here's a video!
Lil Debbie! Summer! Yay!
Lately I've been enjoying a lot of more hip hop music...