So if it is not for fame or money...
As I don't even have a publishing house, a commercial strategy or anything...
(I must be the worst seller I know...)
Why do I continue writing and drawing these stories?
Putting time, patience and money in it?
Well, it is because these ideas are haunting me.
I don't even do it for the Art.
It is just because I have ideas spinning in my head all the time. And even if I have been rejected by lots of publishing houses, I still have those ideas in my head. Maybe I should let go what doesn't sell, be like some others, being able to move on to something else, but I can't. It is emotional, not commercial.
It is to the point where I can't even let others work on my projects, it was hard in the begining to let someone help me with the colors, even if doing so is helping me, at some point it was putting another name in the credits of MY book.
All these ideas are my babies, and I can't let go of them, I can't move away from them, not until they are released, and even then, there are always things you wished you'd do differently (I only have one book released, but I can tell you that's the case).
While not released, even if I write them, the ideas keep spinning in my head, again and again and again.. When I finished the first book, I felt like my mind could soothe a bit, being released from some of those ideas being put to a definitive form... Even if I could change stuff again, I kinda convinced myself to let it go, let it be the way it was and move on...
I guess at some point I am too stubborn for my own good, but I need to feel lucky living in a time where I can self-publish my books if they are rejected.
It doesn't pay, it brings me just a certain peace of mind...
And at some point, that's all I need...