dimanche 8 novembre 2015

Living with Indians 08

As summer ended, I still had sixteen pages ton finish. I completed in the mean time the logo (which can be seen below) for my so called publishing house, called Lucifer Publishing.

Once that step done, I finished the remaining pages, ordered a copy to check  if everything was OK once printed... On that topic, I was stoked when I found out that to order a book, it costs 9€ just for the shipment... So, and I'll say it later when the book will be available worldwide, if you can, order more than one book at a time, even if the shipment costs grow, in the end you're a winner, exemple it's "only" 203€ for 100 books, which makes 2€ of shipment per book... I was also waiting for the corrected translation in English...

Anyway, as I am stuck in a train for a long time on my way to work, I try to use that time sometime to do something, and sometimes it is to work on what's next. So What's next?
You guessed it I think: volume 2
I already had many ideas left when I did the first one, and I planned volume 2 at least two or three times alresady, but wasn't satisfied, so I reorganized things once more, and got some more work done than the second volume... As I have still leftovers and unused concepts that I'd love to use...

samedi 7 novembre 2015

Back 2 work!

Oh by the way, spoiler alert! This is the whole second volume!
Lucky you! As the quality of the picture is terrible,
you can still discover its content when it'll be out!
I hope this time it won't take six years...

Oh au fait, spoiler alert! Ceci est tout le second tome!
Petits veinards! La qualité de l'image est immonde,
vous pourrez découvrir son contenu lors de sa sortie!! 
J'espère que cette fois ça ne prendra pas six ans...

vendredi 6 novembre 2015

Living with Indians 07

It's been a while since last time I posted something here...
Few things happened since...
Back to school and stuff...

Things always slow down when you can only work during holidays, "fortunately" for me, my daytime job allows me to have some once in a while, so by the end of april, the inking process was done. Since I started inking the pages, I sent most of them to "flatters" (if you don't know what a flatter is, it's a person who's paid to put flat colors on your drawings), so when the time would come, I could have them ready for the "finishing touches"... You see, I never liked coloring stuff even when I was at the kinder garden... So even if you have to pay, if it allows you to spend less time and work faster and preserve your nervous system, it's not such a bad deal. Maybe one day, I'll do a campagn to raise some money for that...

By the time summer came, I started finishing the pages, adding layers of shadow and light, hoping to be done before the end of august, maybe before. But as things never go as planned, pages started to come back slowly, too slowly to allow me to finish the work "on time". As summer ended I went back to work, hoping to be able to resume (and end) work ASAP... I had hopes it would be soon, as I had a diminution of hours, which would allow me to have more time for my projetc(s), but as I found some more work, in the end it would take more time to get back to it... And finish it!