lundi 30 janvier 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 5 (P)

Once in a while I'll comment the pages...
So you'll know a bit more about the process.
I had the idea of this "walk in the city" pretty early on...
But some details changed again and again, for example the last strip of this page...

Let's go back to my heavier tastes, but with a lovely singer!
The best song from their album!!!

vendredi 27 janvier 2017

Birthday Card - 4

I thought it would be better to put the dog AND the cats together!
So I made a first attempt...

The problem was she had three cats, and clearly I didn't have the space to put them all here...
So I changed things a bit

It was getting better...
But I thought about some changes I could make...

vendredi 20 janvier 2017

Birthday Card - 3

So I continued with the dog, but changed a bit the composition...
It was nice...

Until I tried something else...

lundi 16 janvier 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 3 (P)

So last monday I wrote about Porcelain Black, because you need to know her songs, I'll drop one every once in a while...
Really it's sad, the album was leaked and she disappeared for two years now...
So here's one of my favourites:

vendredi 13 janvier 2017

Birthday Card - 2

So here we go again, and I'll continue explaining the story behind these cards.
So you already saw the first attempt for the card...
The thing is that the girl had a dog, and the dog was old, she would pee anywhere, but her mistress loved her so so much...
So I decided to replace the cat by the dog...

But I didn't like it that much...
So I tried something else...
(To be continued...)

lundi 9 janvier 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 2 (P)

Well, with this paiste of posts, I'll need to keep a regular rhythm of work if I want to meet my goal of a post about this every monday...
So far out of the 46 comic pages, 15 are inked...

By the way, I thought (of it works as planned) I'd add a fourth category, so there will be Pencilled pages (P), Inked pages (I), pages wher the "Flats" are done (F) and the Complete pages (C). So you'll see 12 of each, except the complete ones where there will be only 10...

Well, musicaly,here's something I like, but not so much, it grew on me, but the face she makes when she is with the knife!!!!! I LOVE it!
Oh and something funny, I saw first the "Dollhouse" video, and I thought her front teeth were fake... Usually I don't like when the front teeth are that spaced, but I guess it grew on me...
The look reminds me of Porcelain Black...
So sad to not hear anymore about Porcelain Black!!!

vendredi 6 janvier 2017

Birthday Card - 1

Here's the first "friday post" I announced previously...
So here we go!
To start the serie an unfisished card...

Here's the story (in case anyone would be interested...), at least the first part...
(If  you're not interested, say so, don't read, do as you please...)
It was during summer and I went on a date with a nice girl, she had her birthday coming up, so I thought I'd draw her a card... So I started sketching.

This was the first thing that came out
You have to know she had a few cats, cats she needed to keep an eye one because her neighbour didn't like the cats coming on her side of the balcony...
Somehow the cats always tried to manage to go as they pleased...

Here's the sketch almost done...
Then I thought about something else

Which you'll see next friday!
(If you come back...)

In the mean time take care!

lundi 2 janvier 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 1 (P)

Wow, so much posts in such few days!
Indeed, and I hope it will go on!
Well, not at this rate, but on a reasonable one...
It's part of my new year's resolutions...
You know, the one we are supposed to keep...
Well, so it's one of them...
So you should have two posts per week!

One on mondays about the new adventures of Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma, showing how things are shaping up! About this, I started inking today, the cover is done, next it will be the "splash page"... And then we'll start the 46 pages... So what you'll see exactly is the entire album but at different stages, some pencilled pages (P will be mentionned in the post title), some inked pages (I) and some colored pages (C).

The other one on fridays will be about other stuff I do or did or started and will never finish... Mainly illustrations... But with no connection with the formentioned comic book.

So here we go with the first update, page 1, pencilled version:

And as you may know, I am a huge music fan, so in order to share with you what I like, well known or not, I'll try to post some of my recent discoveries and/or favourites!
This time Tengger Cavalry!!!! Mongolian Folk Metal!