lundi 2 janvier 2017

Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #3 - Terrors & Setups - 1 (P)

Wow, so much posts in such few days!
Indeed, and I hope it will go on!
Well, not at this rate, but on a reasonable one...
It's part of my new year's resolutions...
You know, the one we are supposed to keep...
Well, so it's one of them...
So you should have two posts per week!

One on mondays about the new adventures of Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma, showing how things are shaping up! About this, I started inking today, the cover is done, next it will be the "splash page"... And then we'll start the 46 pages... So what you'll see exactly is the entire album but at different stages, some pencilled pages (P will be mentionned in the post title), some inked pages (I) and some colored pages (C).

The other one on fridays will be about other stuff I do or did or started and will never finish... Mainly illustrations... But with no connection with the formentioned comic book.

So here we go with the first update, page 1, pencilled version:

And as you may know, I am a huge music fan, so in order to share with you what I like, well known or not, I'll try to post some of my recent discoveries and/or favourites!
This time Tengger Cavalry!!!! Mongolian Folk Metal!

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