jeudi 28 juillet 2016

Petit Nuage Noir & Puma Rouge / Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #2 - update (2)

Well, it's almost been a month since you last heard from me! Sorry for the long delay... But nothing ever go as planned... So, did I pencilled two pages a day? Nope! Did I complete the colors on a page per day? Neither!

So what the hell did I do? Well, I took time to relax and worked on some pages, but lazyness prevented me from publishing a preview of those pages... Since yesterday I have all the texts written, and sent for correction in both French and English!
(If you wish to see my books in any other language you are able to translate it in, contact me...)

About the completed pages, well, 20 (out of 50) are done... So we can still hope for the 30 remaining ones to be done by the end of August... I hope indeed... And who knows, maybe, we'lle reach 25 by the end of July!? Who knows, miracles happens...
So, maybe soon you'll see previews again!!!

In the mean time, enjoy Herr Mannelig!
A live version (but the end is missing... Why???)
A studio version...

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