mercredi 8 juin 2016

Petit Nuage Noir & Puma Rouge / Little Dark Cloud & Red Puma - #2 - 8

So, If everything goes according to plan, By the end of summer, I should have one book colored (depending on my flatters, maybe even completed), two books pencilled...

I have so far written the story up to volume 8, just have the sequencing of the page to layout, then pencilling  would start... I wish that by the end of 2016, I would have written the complete serie, so I could put my mind on something else creatively...
Althought I would still have around 13 books to draw to actually complete it...

The most time eating, painstaking and annoying parts being the inking and the coloring, I think the pencilling would be quite fast... As I did those for this second book in less than a month while working... So maybe I should try to them as much as possible or try to continue to the same paste I'll try to instore this summer... So at least I won't be stuck with around 650 pages to ink and color... Or changing the rhythm to 2 pages pencilled or colored per day when the pencilling is done...

My intend being to be able to release two books a year...
Wouldn't it be nice?
Maybe wrapping up the story before I turn 40...?

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